November 30, 2009

2010:International Year of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the diversity or variety of life forms in our surroundings. Plants, human beings, monkeys, virus, birds, tiger, trees, earthworms and all other organims contribute to this variety.

Unfortunately, we, humans also decimate this biological variety. In destroying the other creations of Nature, we are infact putting ourselves in great peril. Why not we follow a "Live & Let Live" policy?

Friends, 2010 is going to be declared as International Year of Biodiversity. So, let us vow to value the "right to live" of other organisms. Let us protect the biological variety of nature for Genxt.

Let us protect all our dear PLANTS which are also contributing to this biological diversity.

1 comment:

  1. mother nature gave us high cranial capacity so that we may protect her other children, but unfortunately we became their nightmare. everylife is precious and we have to respect each and every living being. So protect and love nature.
