Every plant is different from the other one. The difference can also be in the location where it is found. Different plants are created for different localities. Or we can say that certain plants are specialised for peculiar environments. The plants one can find in the deserts will not be seen in the forests or lakes. So, it is not just the difference in size alone, in terms of where it is growing also, plants are different. So that is why we see so many strange plants when we leave our familiar neighbourhood and visit a new place.
But despite their differences, all plants can be identified by examining their visible "organs" like leaves, flowers, stem, bark and so on. The difference in the size, shape, arrangement etc of these "organs" helps us to distinguish between plant "A" and plant "B".
It is also on the basis of these "differences", that plants have been assigned unique names (remember the botanical nomenclature in Latin).
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