December 28, 2010

Can we cut trees?

This is a million dollar question! A debate on this can divide a society into two warring factions, as we know it. Post 1980s, this issue has been hotly debated. With the International Year of Forests a few days away, the doubts are going to be even more.

Trees are planted for various end uses or purposes. We plant a tree with a very green and broad canopy for shade. Plant a fruit tree species and you can harvest fruits. Some trees are planted only for timber. Like Teak or Mahogany. So every tree planting has got an objective/purpose.

Like every living thing, the tree also has got a life span. That means it begins its life as a seedling, then matures to a sapling, then becomes a pole, then a sub adult and finally a full grown adult. Then it has to die. The years a tree takes to go through these stages varies from species to species. But yes, extinction is a biological reality. Trees also face diseases and finally death. They also die. Like us.

Now the question is "Can we cut trees"? Yes, ofcourse. After it has outlived its purpose and is now in a stage where its continued existence will pose a danger to life and property. This is a straight case.

However, there are situations when we may have to cut down a tree even when it has not reached the final days. Like for example, a road widening project or a new building project. Even then, a final decision to cut the tree must be taken if all other options like pruning its branches is not a viable option. Remember, unlike animals, a plant (tree is a plant!) can reproduce its lost organs. For eg, if you cut a branch, it will create a new one!

Examine all the options before arriving at a decsion to cut. But always, plant a new tree seedling.

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