April 28, 2010

Kerala is a big homegarden

Homegarden is an agro-forestry practice. Agro+forestry happens when we integrate trees on the farms and in agricultural fields. Homegardens emerge when we plant trees and agriculturally useful plants around our house. Most likely there will not be any planting pattern-just plant where-ever there is space!

Kerala, India, I beleive was once a big homegarden by itself. There was so much greenery. Being close to forests, this state had lot of "Green Umbrella"s, once upon a time. Now, fragmented, severely!

As a part of adapting to climate change, I beleive, the homegardens should make a come-back in Kerala. Trees and tree-based systems like the homegardens have considerable biophysical resilience which can withstand the various shocks (like flood, drought, pest and disease outbreaks etc) related to climate variability.

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